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Peter Shaver (II)

* 1752
† 1821 or 1822
Married: Catherine Piper, 1796 (Legend)


In recording the history of Peter Shaver the second, named after his father, Peter Shaver, biographed in preceding sketch, we will show that this second Peter Shaver was born in this country in 1752, baptized in 1753 and participated in the Revolutionary War.

This documentary data conflicts with the traditional date, 1765, the date tradition says that our ancestor Peter Shaver arrived in America. But it was in 1765 when the son Peter Shaver and his brother petitioned the proprietaries for the land left by their father at the time of his tragic death, related above.

In the autobiography of the son, David Shaver, we find the information
that his father was Peter Shaver, that he settled in Huntingdon County, married a Miss C. Piper of Franklin County, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, serving mostly as an interpreter of German language, papers etc, for the officers under whom he served. The early life of David's father, Peter Shaver, is not recorded in history, although David states that his father was a farmer and engaged in several branches of manufacture.

By the time the war clouds of resistance to Great Britain's tyranny were gathering, young Peter Shaver had grown into a young man in his 20s. At Standing Stone, near his home, was a meeting place for loyalists called Tories, who attacked those swearing allegiance to the Continental Congress and also it was a place of confinement of Hessian prisoners. Becoming enthused with patriotism it is presumed that at the outbreak of hostilities he enlisted for service for his country. Being fluent in the German language, written or otherwise, his ability with the language prompted the officers to place him at translating papers and documents as well as speaking the German language.


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