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Data and Deductions



This section presents some of the arguments, inferences and data that allowed Charles B Shaver to tell the story of his branch of the Shaver family. All of what follows was contained in a notebook that was stuffed with notes and correspondence. I have chosen the following elements to present here:

  1. An early, more detailed, draft covering Peter Shaver and his wife and son. I have called this the 'Argument from Family Tradition'.
  2. A compilation of the sources that were used.
  3. Information from the London Registry.
  4. Ship Arrivals that listed Shavers.
  5. Shavers listed as Naturalized Citizens.
  6. Possibly relevant Births, Baptisms and Marriages.
  7. Early Land Grants to Shavers.
  8. Early Land Caveats with Shaver interest.
  9. Listed Taxables, early taxpayers in relevant counties.
  10. Shavers who received Depression Pay.
  11. Possibly relevant Military Records.

—John H Shaver







© 2004