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Land Caveats

June 25, 1765 Samuel Anderson, in behalf of Peter and John Shaver, minor children of Peter Shaver, deceased, an Indian Trader, late of the county of Cumberland, enters a caveat against the acceptanee of a survey or
patent being granted to John Lytle, or any other person for a tract of land, at the mouth of Shaver's creek, about four miles above the Standing Stone, whereon the said Peter Shaver, the father, made an
improvement about the year 1754. The said Samuel Anderson alleging that the right or claim of the improvement is vested in the said children.
Nov 5, 1709 On caveat postponed from Nov 5, 1709, on hearing the parties and inspecting the draught made by George Palmer, Deputy Surveyor, it appears that John Teater Warner, under a warrant to Enoch Baer and a survey made hereon the 20th day of April 1789, which warrant and survey are prior to John Andrews, though the warrant is not located on that ground, therefore it is ordered that the said Andrews shall have a survey made and returned on his warrent of the piece of land marked with the letter A, next to Jacob Schaffer's land by a line to be run from a stone by a Spanish Oak, 20 degrees to intersect the H 72 degrees I-2 l 196 perches line in the said draft of George Palmer, now before the board and the remainder to be returned on Baer's warrant for Warner.
Aug 11, 1752 John Shaffer enters a caveat against the execution of a warrant granted Aug 11, 1752 to Conrad Werns, Henry Wolfgehl, Philip Epprecht and Jacob Weis for five acres of land to build a chureh on for use of the
Dutch Reformed Congregation in Cocalico township, Lancaster county.
Jan 25, 1755 Michael Tels, in behalf of himself and others, entered a caveat against the acceptance of a survey made for Philip Shafer in Lebanon township, Lancaster county, by warrant of Nov 19, 1748, six acres, part of the survey having been promised by the said Shafer to the said Tels and others for the use of a school house, before said warrant was obtained.
Apr 15, 1793 Aaron Levy's warrant was dated respectively July 21, 1792 and issued in the name of many people, among them being Casper Shafner, son of Casper Shafner Jr, lands on the dividing waters of Loyalhanna and Towanda.
Feb 26, 1769 Jacob Shaeffer enters a caveat against the acceptance of any survey or granting of a patent to Michael Crauss for a tract of land over the Blue Mountains in Berks County, by virtue of an application of Ulrich Wagner, alleging he hath prior warrant for same.
Oct 22, 1772 A warrant for land was issued to Nicholas Sheaffer on the North-East branch of the Susquehanna River in the county of Northumberland.
Oct 22, 1772 James Dougherty enters a caveat against the acceptance of a survey of a tract of land at the mouth of Popemeting on the North-East branch of the
Susquehanna River in the county of Northumberland for Nicholas Shaeffer by virtue of his application No 2596, alleging that he, the said Dougherty hath a prior application, No 52, for the said land.
Nov 17, 1783 Abraham Schneider entered a caveat against the acceptance of a survey of a tract of land on Malango Creek, in Mahoney township, Northumberland
County by virtue of William Scott application No 3927 for Francis Shafer, alleging that he hath purchased the right to a prior application of one John Clark for a part thereof and also hath a warrant and improvement on
the other part thereof.
Dec 20, 1753 Edward Shippens Jr entered a caveat against a warrant of any kind of grant issuing to any person for the land whereon Peter Shaver lives, on the North side of Conondogwainet Creek, in Pennsboro Township, Cumberland County.




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