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Annie Davis

* September 12, 1854
† April 14, 1928
married John Linn Shaver, October 21, 1875


Anna Davis Shaver, wife of John Linn Shaver, was born in Bedford County, where her ancestors had settled many years before. Her ancestry dates back to the days of the early settlement of Pennsylvania.

According to historians, the Davis (believed spelled Davies) family were among the first settlers in Berks County. Her great grandfather, an early settler in Philadelphia was, in 1765, made a Justice of the Peace in Philadelphia, and in 1777 he was appointed a proprietary of Chester and Lancaster Counties. He was also a Judge of Common Pleas Court in Philadelphia prior to being proprietary.

Elias Davis, her grandfather, settled in Bedford County.

On April 14, 1928, she died, surviving her husband by three years. Her son was the only survivor. She was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery beside the remains of her husband.

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